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Our Policies and Procedures

Please click on the links below to view our policies and procedures

Accidents and incidents home time book policy

Administering medicines policy

Admissions policy

Arrival and departure policy

Behaviour management policy

Calling for emergency help procedure

Code of conduct - TVPS staff policy

Communicable diseases and exclusions 

Complaints procedure

Confidentiality policy

Covid 19 - Behaviour management policy 

Covid 19 - dealing with a child/adult with Covid 19 policy

COVID 19 - cleaning policy

COVID 19 - Health and safety policy

Covid 19 - PPE policy

Covid 19 - safeguarding policy

Curriculum policy

Emergency closures policy

Employment of an ex-offender policy

Equal opportunities policy

Equipment and resources policy

Failure to collect/ missing child procedure

Fire procedure

Food hygiene policy

Going outside into the playground procedure

Group snack bar procedure

Health and hygiene policy

Health and hygiene procedure 

Health and safety policy 

Health and safety policy - Appendix 1

Health and safety policy - appendix 2 

Internet safety policy

Key worker policy

Managing a flu pandemic procedure

Medical health care plan procedure

Notification of changes policy

Parental involvement policy

Record keeping policy

Reserves policy

Risk assessment policy

Safe storage policy

Safeguarding policy

Safeguarding against bruising in children policy 

Safeguarding children in the event of child abuse or neglect policy

Safeguarding children - mobile phones, cameras and social networking policy

SEN policy

Settling in children policy

Sleep policy

Staff absence procedure

Staff appraisals and supervision meetings policy

Staff induction policy

Staff pay policy

Staff and employment policy 

Student placement policy

Supervision policy

Terms and conditions

Toileting policy

Whistleblowing policy

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