How do I get a place for my child in the Pre-School?
Please contact our administrator Vicky Denyer (vicky.tvps@gmail.com) to ask about a place at the Pre-School. Vicky will be able to send you a registration form and let you know about available sessions.
Can I choose a morning or afternoon place?
Let us know if you would prefer your child to attend in the morning or afternoon (see the ‘session times’ section). Sometimes parents can choose, but if TVPS is very busy there may only be a space left in one of the sessions.
Can my child stay for the whole day?
If there is space we would be more than happy to have your child attend all day. Our day starts at 9.00 am and finishes at 3.15 pm.
What should my child wear to TVPS?
TVPS is a very busy place. We will be painting, digging and playing indoors and out. Please don’t send your child to Pre-School in their best clothes!! We have a lovely Pre-School jumper and T shirt to purchase should you wish your child to have simple uniform on to attend. This is of course not compulsory but we do feel it provides a sense of unity and place to the children. Please make sure their clothes (especially coats, hats and water bottles) are clearly labelled. It is a good idea to put them in comfortable trousers that they can easily undo themselves when they need the toilet.
What if my child is not toilet trained?
Children starting at Pre-School are all at different stages of toilet training. Some will be very confident, others may still be in a nappy. No child will be stopped from joining TVPS because they are not yet toilet-trained. Please let us know how your child is getting on before they start Pre-School so we can do our best to support them to become independent on the toilet. Some children may remain in a nappy during their time in pre-school. We have full changing facilities on site and will always do our very best to meet your child’s needs.
Do I need to bring any food into Pre-School?
If your child is staying for the afternoon session (12.15-3.15pm) please provide a cold packed lunch. Children are grouped together at tables in small numbers. A pre-school assistant sits with each table to support the children to eat the lunch that has been provided and enjoy a sociable time. We have a No nuts policy and please can any grapes be chopped up. To keep lunches cool please provide a freezer block for your packed lunches.
Will you give my child medicine in TVPS?
If your child has asthma and uses a pump it is important that we keep a pump and a spacer in Pre-School. You will need to sign a consent form when you do this. We have a Pre-School policy on medicines. Usually if your child is ill and needs medicine they should not be in Pre-School. If medicine needs to be administered in Pre-School you will need to discuss this with our manager and sign a special form.